Friday, July 28, 2006

Proof of work, part 14 or something

Notebook: Bazaar back in business

This is where I bought those illegal DVDs. Unfortunately, they don't work in the new laptop.


Anonymous said...

Regional encoding sucks, eh. Maybe that Snakehead Terror would have worked.

Capt. Awesome said...

It's not the regional encoding as much as the multitude of scratches on the back.

Anonymous said...

OK. $14 for a pillow. If you walk around the side you can buy an RPG launcher for $8 CANADIEN!

BTW, the Phillies lost again. They are going to really start to warm up once they get to 20 games out.

Capt. Awesome said...

Naw, the going rate for an AK around here is about $100 American -- and RPG is probably a little more.

Not that I've been shopping around or anything.

Anonymous said...

Captain Awesome- I NEED an RPG.

Pruning Saw and Ax to clean up Neighbor's dead tree that fell in MY Yard.
Six hours spent cleaning it up
Repairing my fence when the idiot landscaper dropped the remainder of the tree.
RPG launcher and ammo
Expressing my true feelings about said landscaper on his ancient Ford F-150

Label the crate you ship it in as either Poppies or even RPG; they'll stop anything labelled oranges at customs.