Friday, July 07, 2006

.... or maybe not

Another day of "Hurry up and wait." The military had no space for little old me on any of their flights to Afghanistan today, so it's a relaxing evening at Ramstein Air Base for me until my flight tomorrow. The downside is boredom, but the upside is a chance to watch some good old fashioned American TV courtesy of the military networks. After a week of CNN International, the O.C. never looked so good....

... OK, the O.C. still sucks. But Simpsons will be on around 8. That's something.

Tomorrow's plans call for a 10am flight to Turkey, followed by a flight to Kyrgyzstan, followed by a flight to Afghanistan. The good news is that right now it looks like I'll be taking some sort of charter jet, as opposed to a big, noisy cargo plane. The bad news is that it might take me three months to get over there.


Anonymous said...

So, how far are you from the nearest port in Germany? Was thinking at this rate, you could find a slow boat to China that would get you to Afghanistan quicker than the U.S.A.F. could, but who's complaining? Peace in Middle East...or if I recall, Ramstein is more Southeast below Cologne? Oh, and by the way...everyone...a little FYI about Kyrgyzstan...Kyrgyzstan was annexed by Russia in 1864; it achieved independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. It lies between Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan on it's northern, western and southern borders with China on it's eastern, and is roughly smaller than South of 2005, Kyrgyzstan has the world's largest natural growth walnut forestand has 2 official langueages...Kyrgyz and Russian. Thank YOU CIA World Fact Book!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, and I thought that Major Dingus was just another pretty face. That's a lot of knowledge about obscure things.
Maybe the candle helped get you a better flight. Enjoy the Simpsons!

Anonymous said...

Do you get Frequent Flyer miles? It sounds like you qualify for Elite status for just this one trip. Anyway, have a good flight. Just remember, Pravda means truth in Russian.