Sunday, July 09, 2006

Live, from Kygyzstan

I'll give you a full recap of how I got here after I get a nap in, but here are the relevant points for now:

-- I've slept for three of the last 32 hours and about eight of the last 56. I actually spent 20 hours straight going from terminal to plane to terminal to plane to base.

-- I've watched four movies in those 32 hours: Dude Where's My Car (simply terrible), Last Holiday (actually better than you'd expect, but crap), Big Momma's House 2 (without the first one I really couldn't follow the subtle plotlines) and Fantastic Four (the only good part of the movie was Jessica Alba, so I enjoyed it very much).

-- I'm now as far away from America as I've ever been (by far). The optimist in me says every move from here on out brings me closer to home. The pessimist went out cold from exhaustion about 30 minutes ago.

-- I'm still not where I need to be. Manas is the major refueling hub for all aircraft out of Afghanistan, but that still doesn't mean it's easy to get from one to the other. I might be stuck here for a few days, but if I am there are a few easy stories I can run down.

The good news is this is a rustic but safe base, and I've already visited the dining hall and showers, thank gawd. If I get stuck here, the only stress will be boredom.

My next chance to get into Afghanistan will be at 3am Monday morning (5pm Sunday DC time, 3pm Sunday New Mexico time. Hi, Jenny!) So keep your fingers crossed, or it could be a long week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At this rate Jules Verne will beat you. He managed to get around the world in 88 days. Maybe the USAF should take notes from him.

Good luck with the stories, cap'n.