Friday, September 12, 2008

Just a little weird ...

I'm currently sitting at the Kuwait Airport Starbucks killing about six hours before my midnight flight to Frankfurt. Pretty sure I never thought I'd write that sentence...

So, as y'all saw from my Twitter over there, I'm out of Iraq and on my way to Europe. Hopefully this flight goes smooth and I sleep for most of it, because it'll be more running around in Germany once I hit the ground. But the number of people carrying guns around is decreasing every day, so that's good news all around.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good news, am praying that your flights go smoothly and uneventfully. Mozart says hello and is trying to type on the keyboard #@#$%%^&* isn't she cute?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're out of there!! Looking forward to your return to America, where we conceal our many guns, the way the Founding Fathers intended.

Anonymous said...

dear capt,
ur momma needs some serious help.mozart is a dammmmmmmmm cat.cats cant type.ur momma typed #@#$%%^&* n then hit spell check. #@#$%%^&* is 323455678 which the intergaltic launch code for a mega ton fart from hell.lets see how cute mozart is when that fart hits.
Dr Phill
ps.harvard medical wants to use this blog in its behavoral science class.

Daddy Blogger said...

Germany! The Land of Chocolate. Lucky ... Safe travels. And, at the risk of sounding a little John McCainish, what in the world is Twitter?