Monday, August 07, 2006

Proof of work, part 22

Border security still poses problems

I've got some good photos coming up later in the week. This one is awful.


Anonymous said...

AN UPDATE: (Tom must be sleeping, I'm first today)
Lil nutter is very good with a lil butter. Yes, as in on the grill. Much better than road kill. The good news is that it only took three blasts with the shotgun. I'll put skylights in the holes the next time I'm at fort awesome.

Actually crawling around the attic space (120 degrees and dust everywhere) must have been much like Afganastan. When you get back and find youself yearning for the "good old days", you can just go up there and feel better.

Have a safe trip to location no. ???. And yes, Jeff Garcia looked really bad.

Anonymous said...

OK. Who isn't fixing the house ?

Anonymous said...

no,not fixing... 'cause fort awesome was perfect before leo left for boy scout camp:) these additions are simply to improve the value of the house for when leo and jo move to one of the stans on a temporary permanent basis.

you can still get in on the fun... jo's got a few days left to do what she wants to the house (after that, she'll have to go back to feeding leo sleeping pills before doing what she wants).

leo, can't wait for more pictures... have you done wash lately? we haven't had an update on that in a while. you know, dirty fabric (and especially stanky fabric) deteriorates much quicker than clean fabric... i'm just looking out for you so that you don't end up on the plane ride home naked.

Anonymous said...

If we are just improving the value of the house....

Caulk is where we want to be. It comes in lots of colors and is a substitute for all other building materials.

Nails- Use caulk
Screws- use caulk
Plywood- lay a sheet of dropcloth down. spread a thin layer of caulk on it. let it dry and fasten it with more caulk.
Drywall- See Plywood
Roof Shingles- See Drywall

Don't use it to seal the tub. That's passe'..


Anonymous said...

With enough calk, Fort Awesome could truely become a fortress. Imagine special made cannons designed to just shoot calk balls.
"Nutters" wouldn't stand a chance.
You could even repave the driveway with calk and call it your "calkway" running right next to your walkway.
Be safe.

Dad "D"

Anonymous said...

what position did tom mcdonald play on eagles? did he miss the list? this blog is filled with a bunch of want to be eagle fans. go cowboys!!!!!!
p.s. did andy retire my #81 jersey yet. jeff played bad cause his cup was in backwards. can anyone explain detmer. can we trade him for a cup instruction book for jeff?

Anonymous said...

Leo, please hurry home...they are all losing their minds....was it the onset of the Eagles season that did it?????
Take care of yourself. We are heading to Fort Awesome this weekend where I think Joanna has big plans for us.....
Love. Mom D

Anonymous said...

Hey Leo,

I just heard on ESPN Radio that Freddy "I'd Like to Thank My Hands" Mitchell showed up at Dallas Cowboys' Training Camp to try out. They're pretty sure he wasn't invited to try out, just that he showed up. Poor, poor Freddy.

Anonymous said...

It's not the house's fault. It's Quinn's fault - he put a hex on my house. The place started to fall apart the second he got here. I think the next project is a horror film and he's using Fort Awesome for his set, since he digs the paneling so much.

Frankly, I think "Squirrels on a Plane" might be a better choice.

Anonymous said...

i love that TO guy.

dude, the house fell to crap the minute joanna was allowed to do things on her own (with the help of a hammer and beth). i was just beth's ride.