Monday, August 21, 2006

Enjoying the fort

I'm so excited to be back in the land of laundry that I'm considering changing my shirts every hour just because I can. And I get to wear shirts with colors in them too, not just the gray and gray with gray in it tee-shirts that I was resigned to in Afghanistan. I'm thinking about rainbow suspenders just to add to the effect. Rainbow suspenders are still cool, right?

Speaking of colors, I also got my purple heart in the mail this week, courtesy of Aunt Olga and her crafts expertise, for my dive down a mortar pit last month.

If I haven't told you the story, don't worry: You'll hear it soon. There's nothing funnier than nearly breaking your neck because you don't know how to work a flashlight.

Well, maybe there's something funnier, but it would probably involve me actually breaking my neck. And I'm not willing to go that far for a joke.


Anonymous said...

why stop at the suspenders? I see face paint in your very near future man.

Anonymous said...

oh, that was me. just in case you guys were worried i had something better to do or that i had a canopener in my eye.

Anonymous said...

face paint? who does that? seriously, since your hair is short now, i have the perfect flaming thing for you to do... i knew a guy who dyed leopard print spots into his spikey hair - it actually was pretty cool (he, unfortunately, was not). but if you did it, and then got a sit-down with our fab president, it would be the coolest thing EVER.

oh, oh, and we can dye zebra stripes into jo's hair, too... that way the baby tiger will feel more at home. best idea you ever heard, huh?!

say the word, and i'll have the hair dye ready for when you come up this week!

so glad your home? i sure am!!!

Anonymous said...

i got too excited... i know it's "you're"

Anonymous said...

hasn't anyone been on the snakes on a plane website? obviously not, 'cause you wouldof registered for the contest... since you didn't, i registered tom to win a private screening for 100 people with free food and fun... all he needs is everyone in the world to vote him as the biggest snakes fan (which doesn't seem hard, since no one saw the movie this week).
go to to vote for him... you can vote once per email address per day from now 'til sunday.

if he wins, i'll make up the invite list:)

Anonymous said...

Aunt Olga rocks.

Anonymous said...

We're glad you're home too. So glad we used the proper version of you're.

We had some great time with the parents of captain awesome this weekend, Jorel and ??. OK, I don't know Superman's mom's name, but I'm sure someone can correct me. (I'm pretty proud that I don't know Superman's mom's name; it gives me street cred. It also suggests strongly that I have been outside during the last 38 years at one point.)

I knew something that Mrs. Jorel didn't about human nutrition. When we went to the store I picked out red grapes and white grapes. White grapes are green, of course. Kids couldn't understand why we call them white grapes.
Here's the pearl of wisdom that you just can't learn in school. They are white grapes because they have 'white-amins'. White-amins are crucial to keep pale-skinned Irish-ancestry office workers from getting sunburned during the first five minutes of actual shirtless sun exposure of the season.

I ate a lot of white grapes this past week and I didn't burn. I'm not exactly sure why, but my 10 m dash to the bathroom times have improved by about 4 seconds. ;-)


Anonymous said...

OK and how wrong is it that I have read the title of this blog, "Enjoying the fort" four times now, and still interpret it as "Enjoying the fart"?

Anonymous said...

For future reference, it's Jorel and "The Lord of Darkness". You can go with "Satan." I prefer "Morning Star" myself.