Sunday, March 26, 2006

Do you know your Patriots?

Sure, everyone is excited that the 11th-seeded George Mason made it to the Final Four, but how much do you really know about the little green and white school that could? Take this simple quiz to find out:

1) Tony Skinn: Starting guard or porn star?
2) Ken Burns: Reserve guard or documentary producer?
3) Makan Konate: Backup center or spice in my dinner tonight?
4) True or False: Lamar Butler, the starting guard known for his bruising defensive style, can rearrange the letters in his name to spell "True ball ram."
5) True or False: The height of the five starters for the team is an ominous 66 feet, 6 inches.
6) True or False: Junior guard Charles Makings is majoring in decision sciences.
7) True or False: UConn sucks.

Answer Key:
1) Skinn is their starting guard (though, if the NCAA let him, he could have an after-hours job...)
2) Ken Burns is responsible for that 18 hour documentary on baseball. Tim Burns plays guard for GMU.
3) Konate does play center, and will not be joining me for dinner.
4) False. The letters do spell that, but Butler is a college athlete, so simple word games are beyond him.
5) False. I don't know who their starting five is, so I can't add that up.
6) True. You can't make that up.
7) False. UConn both sucks and blows, just like MegaMaid.

If you answered all seven correctly, you're qualified to jump on the bandwagon and pull for GMU the rest of the way. Of course, if you're a Cowboys or Yankees fan, you're already pre-qualified to jump on any sports bandwagon that rolls by your apartment, you stinkin' front-runner.

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