Tuesday, March 28, 2006

166 days until the Cowpokes lose again

In case you missed it, NFL bigwigs on Monday announced a few of its opening slate of games for the 2006 season. Here's why they suck:

They're opening on Thursday again
You know what Thursdays are for? Showing Boise State football. That's the college team with the blue football field who plays somewhere west of Chicago. You know what Sundays are for? Real football. If it ain't Thanksgiving, the NFL shouldn't be hanging around late in the week.

The Sunday night game is a public health risk
Giants vs. Colts? Manning vs. Manning? Sounds like a hell of a lot of choking to me. Pratice your Heimlich maneuver now.

Dallas is the featured 4:15 game
If I had my way, the Cowboys would play tomorrow so I could watch them lose. Of course, if I had my way the Eagles would have started free agency with all the other teams, instead of waiting two extra weeks. But in my world the Cowboys would not only lose, but also lose in anonimity. The Seahawks win the NFC, the Panthers get to the conference championship, and the NFL decides they want to highlight Drew Bledsoe to start the season. Good call.

There's a 10:15 Monday night game
It's Chargers vs. Raiders, also known as Aaron Brooks vs. Phillip Rivers, so nobody cares. But it'd be nice to have the option anyway. What's the next step? Start Sunday games 60 hours early, on Thursday nights? Oh, wait...

I don't know when the Iggles are playing
Thanks for unvieling only five games, guys. The rest of the schedule comes out in April. Next year, the NFL is only going to announce one of the teams playing in the opening game, and they're going to come to your house and kick you in the groin. That'll show you who's boss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hee hee...people getting kicked in the groin is funny