Monday, June 26, 2006

Off base in Virginia

The big trip started today with a week of pseudo-military training for reporters in the shadown of the Shenendoah tourist traps. So far, here's what I've learned:

-- I can't tell the difference between a gun and a camera tripod at 300 yards. Also, I can't tell the difference between a man and a tree at 300 yards.

-- Horse farms smell pretty bad in the summertime.

-- If you're hiring a driver in a foriegn country, make sure he at least has a spare tire in his car.

-- Even if it pours 10 inches in the previous six hours, you should still be wearing suntan lotion when the sun comes back out.

-- Canadian journalists do refer to themselves as canucks.

More to come as the week rolls on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, stay dry and don't get sunburned! Your mother.