Wednesday, June 21, 2006

By the way

Long hair and combat zones don't mix, mostly for heat and sanitary reasons, so...

I know I usually do some great things with photoshop, but I assure you this is real. And very, very weird.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap!

I guess we now know that fear of gunfire or malaria will force even Capt. Awesome to take drastic measures. Did you keep the hair?

Daddy Blogger said...

Joanna should tape the hair to a basketball, and prop it on top of a stuffed t-shirt in front of the computer screen in your den, and she won't even know you're gone. After three or four days, it'll even smell like you.

Anonymous said...

believe it or not, i liked the first picture better... at least then i could pretend that it was just a cartoon character and not real... this is gonna take some getting used to. i don't know who daddy blogger is, but he's got a great suggestion.

congrats, jo!!!