Monday, February 20, 2006

Here's the idea

You all know how this works: Every Wednesday during football season, when my rage is at its peak, I e-mail all y'all a few good Jake Plummer insults and a handful of bizarre stats in an attempt to stop the choking as my brain once again tries to escape down my throat. It's theraputic. My brain stays put, my gorge descends and I buy one more week of partial sanity.

But here's the problem: Many of you think it's funny. Some of you asked if I'd do something for the playoffs. Some of you have even encouraged me that I do something more with all this divine inspiration. So this site is all your fault.

We're gonna see exactly how funny my baseless and boundless rage is. Every Wednesday, right here, I will post something funny. It might be football stats, it might be the number of nails it took me to hang a picture in the house, it might be a picture of G as the Incredible Hulk impaling Cowboys players, it might be knock-knock jokes.

It might be funny ha ha. It might be funny "the milk went bad" funny. If I get desparate I might post the words "something funny" in such a way that they look like the Mona Lisa.

We'll see where this goes. I've got pretty low expectations, but who knows. Maybe I'll get something funny up here once and a while. Maybe we'll expand it to "Something funny every Wednesday and a reason to hate Dallas every Friday." Maybe we'll do all the football postings here from now on.

The point is this: Visit this site next Wednesday, because by then I will have posted funny here. Why Wednesday? Because you can't spell Wednesday without "dead newsy." And that's comedy.

(For the record, this week's funny thing is the picture of G. That's quality stuff right there.)


Anonymous said...

Is the phrase "once AND a while" or "once IN a while?"

Either way, cap, give us hell. Or, at least, give us something funny.

Anonymous said...

Anything involving G's head on another form of any sort...that is sheer brilliance...maybe a monthly "Where in the world is G's Head?" picture could be included on your blog? After all, it is OUR fault you are doing better listen dingus...