Friday, August 04, 2006

Sorta proof of work

Next Afghanistan rotation announced

This isn't really my story -- I didn't write most of it -- but it proves I was awake for at least part of the day yesterday.


Anonymous said...

i guess it's time to reclaim the throne. today i played 'leo of arabia III' i went down my basement, which is 100 degrees, and dumped 70 bags of sand before planting poppies and setting off mortar shells, which didn't go over so hot with the neighbors. or the basement.

Anonymous said...

ok that first post was lame. here're some headlines:

Bad: Teen runs off the road. Worse: Hits large tree. Fark: Tree is home to 10,000 bees, and they're pissed now

Having solved all other problems, New York State tries to make it a felony to steal body parts from dead people… It wasn’t already?

If you left rubber cement on the seat of a mall restroom toilet, the Council Bluffs, Iowa police would like to have a word with you

Castro "very alert" for a dead guy, says spokesman

Babbling naked man draws police to pot farm, ignores pepper spray. Mmmmm... pepper spray

Judge throws out charges against man charged with buying beer for a minor, saying there was no proof that Miller Genuine Draft is actually beer. State Superior Court overrules him despite evidence to the contrary

Woman who drank 12 shots of tequila, then took a five-story diver off an apartment building into a cement sidewalk pool is doing just fine. Darwin and Newton and Jose Cuervo told to "Suck it"

Blogger, "freelance journalist" jailed after defying court order. In related news, CNET thinks bloggers are journalists now

CNN issues BREAKING NEWS ALERT that Mel Gibson has been charged with misdemeanor drunken driving. Dear Mainstream Media: please make it stop, for the love of god and all that is holy

Actual headline: "Seven Indonesians Do Not Have Bird Flu." Sucks to be the other 245,452,732

Some kid made a humorous video spoofing Al Gore and posted on YouTube. And by 'some kid,' we mean an oil industry lobbying firm in Washington D.C

Minor league team to host "Britney Spears Baby Safety Night" - every time the opposing teams drops the ball, fans get free wings from Hooters

NC creates state panel to examine possible wrongful convictions. Texas laughs so hard it almost falls into the gulf

Iran promises oil prices of $200/barrel if Bush continues to press nuclear issue. OPEC and oil companies titter with anticipation

Anonymous said...

So glad to see that Quinn is again posting under his own name. The news is...entertaining. Is it cooler in Afghanistan than in Quinn's basement? Hope so!!

Anonymous said...

so does this article mean you have company from stars? i only read every other word so as not to waste my time reading something that jerkface joseph wrote. it was kindof confusing...

Anonymous said...

Cap'n, do you podcast the Preston and Steve show? If not, and you're craving a bit of Philly, you can download the Vince Papale interview from the August 2nd episode. Just download the file and skip to the 1 hour and 9 minute mark. The interview will get you even more riled up for Invincible and the football season. Speaking of Invincible, anyone want to arrange a movie night?

Oh yeah, if you do download the episode from August 2nd, check out the episode from August 3rd as well. In particular, listen to their interview with Alan Thicke. It starts around the 17:40 mark of the podcast and runs for about 20 minutes. Who would have thought that Mr. Seaver would be so entertaining? I think it might be one of their best interviews ever.

Anonymous said...

Pauly...when and where for Invincible? Lets do it...and we'll get some cheese steaks (Leo's choice...Jim's, Steve's, Pat's, Geno's)and some Lager...we'll be bleeding green the whole weekend...

Um, yeah, I understand (or misunderstand) that the Phillies management think they were trading away salaries and working on the rest of the season as well as next year being a "rebuilding period" (not that we haven't heard that every season since '93) but, yeah...they have won 6 out of the last 7, swept the Cards, and Utley is now batting .405 (62-for-153) during his streak, is hitting .330 overall and leads the National League in hits (144), multihit games (46) and runs (93). Not that anyone is counting...or thinking that could make a run or something in August or September...