Monday, August 14, 2006

Getting closer

I'm going to try to get up to Darmstadt today, the very last stop on my tour of the world before heading home. I ended up spending an extra night in Ramstein last night when my editors found out the free shuttle north doesn't run on Sundays.

So, my choices were:

a) pay 150 euro to get a cab up to Frankfurt, and have someone pick me up there

b) pay 48 U.S. bucks to stay in the officer's suite on base here and watch American TV and eat pizza for an extra day and sleep in a king-sized bed with real sheets, something I haven't had for more than a month (I've been using a sleeping bag)

Yeah, life is rough. I'm thinking I might miss that shuttle again today....


Anonymous said...

I'm first?! awesome!!!
hope the poor living conditions don't wear on you too much. just think about coming home to your roof top hot tub!
can't wait to see you!!!

Anonymous said...

WHAT?! The 1am-8am shift is supposed to be mine!

Anonymous said...

Spent a nice weekend at fort "more" awesome. Joanna is the gracious host as usual and Mom "D" and I helped her get a couple of things done. Get home safe.

Dad "D"

Anonymous said...

To answer all those who think Major Dingus has nothing better to do but have Samuel L. Jackson call you and threaten to come after you if you don't go see what he calls may very well be the greatest movie ever made...that's right, he's talking about Snakes On A Plane...well, unfortunately, I do NOT have Thal's phone number stored in my cell phone, so there is no way that I could have sent him that message. But I do have to agree with brother Ed did that same thing to me Friday night, and yeah, it had to be one of the funniest things I have ever heard. Apparently Samuel-L got the script and the working title for it was "Snakes On A Plane"...well, after trying other titles, Samuel-L told the producers and directors and all "keep the title or I walk". Well who's to argue with Samuel L. Jackson, right? He may start quoting Ezekiel 25:17 or some crazy stuff like that if he doesn't like what you have to say about something...then you're screwed. At least he has a sense of humor...and realizes that the movie is stupid and fun and horrible at the same time...and he's getting paid to make horrible films. So yeah, Thal, it wasn't me that had Samuel L. Jackson call you, but I would have if I had your number.

(fyi.... ....go there if you want to send a loving message from Samuel L. Jackson to a friend, co-worker, or someone you REALLY actually want to go see the movie with)

Anonymous said...

Do they have The Simpsons in Germany? If they have chocolate AND The Simpsons, it'd be hard to leave.

Anonymous said...

Did you hit a light switch in your room that didn't seem to do anything about four hours ago? The Phillies beat the Mets tonight 13-0, with 6 runs coming in the first inning.
The only thing I can come up with is that somehow a portal was opened into an alternate universe, possibly by somebody flipping an otherwise impotent light switch.

If so, please tape the switch so no one will turn it off until after the Mets leave.
