Saturday, July 29, 2006

Thank you, youtube

How else could I get the Colbert Report 8,000 miles away?

By the way, I also like cocaine because it's fun.


Anonymous said...

Stick to the poppies, poppy.

so i hear i'm editing the movie of your life. how's 2016 sound for a release? I figure if i get working now....

Get the hell home so i can show you the mummers film and you can tell me what's wrong with it. And don't say Kat.

I've heard that the addition on your house went well. The sarlac pit in the backyard got a tad zany, but the carbon freeze chamber in the pantry is pretty bitchin', as the kids say.

peace out cub scout.

Anonymous said...

i like cocaine too, 'cause it reminds me of the baking powder i snorted in college.

Anonymous said...

Kate's wearing salmon shorts. She looks like she should be swimming upstream.

Anonymous said...

Sitting here wasted and wounded at this old piano;
Trying hard to capture the moment; this morning I don't know.
Cause a bottle of vodka's still lodged in my hands.
Some blonde gave me nightmares, I think that she's still in my bed. As I dream about movies they wont make of me when I'm dead.
With an ironclad fist, I wake up and french kiss the morning while some marching band keeps its own beat in my head while we're talking, about all of the things that I long to believe about love, the truth and what you mean to me. And the truth is, baby, you're all that I need.

Timmy says hi!

Anonymous said...

David Bell is now a Brewer...good stuff isn't it? Now we just need to get rid of Burrell and Abreu. I hope things are going well. Mind the gap...and you know I watch for gaps
The Holy Ghostess...

Capt. Awesome said...

Frankly, I would have preferred a little "Dead or Alive" instead.