Sunday, July 09, 2006

Live, from Afghanistan!

Famous last words -- As soon as I said it would be days before I'd get out of Stan-stan-istan, another flight opened and I hopped on. After a quick two-hour flight in a C-17 (think of a warehouse with wings) I hit Bagram just before midnight on Sunday. Now, it think it's only 16 or 17 more stops before I actually start to get work done....

Internet is sketchy right now and I never did get that nap, so we'll keep this post short. But I can tell you that my first impression of Afghanistan was ... it's really windy. And dark. Hopefully I'll get a better read in the morning.


Anonymous said...

I am hoping that you are sleeping comfortably and peacefully as I write this at 7:30 Pm our time. Get some rest and some food. What is a blanket dog, anyway? I am worried about Grandmom when she visits Uncle Joe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Leo,
It's 7:30 Monday morning here and I'm wondering where you are. I'm sure we'll be reading all about it later. All that waiting sounds just horribly exhausting.....probably almost made you WANT to finally get there.... Hope you are getting some rest and looking forward to reading the next installment.
Love from Mom Doyle