Thursday, July 20, 2006

Pretty cool

Actually not the picture I was trying to get, but fun anyways.


Anonymous said...

I can't help but hum the theme to Airwolf right now.

Capt. Awesome said...

Wait -- you mean the theme to Airwolf isn't always running in the back of your head? Maybe that's why I can never pay attention in press conferences....

Anonymous said...

from what's surrounding the copter, i can't imagine what the picture was that you were trying to get. did a wookie jump out of a tent and run smack into one of those barriers mom's so disturbed by?
regardless, it's a nice picture.

and i always seem to have 'this is the song that doesn't end' playing in the background of my head... i hope at least one other person reading now is tormented with it too.

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah. I just read your comments about your picture to some of the guys I work with at the office. Been humming the Airwolf theme ever since.

I can see Jan-Michael Vincent flying around with his visor down now...ahhh, those were the days...

Oh yeah, and that wookie Beth was talking about? Yeah, that was Ernest Borgnine.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the pictures again, it feels a little like Tattooine.

Fort Awesome. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Beware the jawas, cap'n. They're wiley. Very wiley.

Anonymous said...

So, by now, it's very public knowledge that I have nasty poison ivy all over my body.

Let's take a moment to appreciate the implications of 'all over my body.'

Let's take another moment to appreciate the fact that I'm complaining about poison ivy when leo is in afghanastan.

Ok, so I have this nasty poison ivy all over and i trot upstairs for my hourly - put the cream on to smother the itch session. I decide to go heavy on the cream because i really need to get some work done. I start the application and I think - damn, this really cools off the burn. It was a new cream and my skin is pretty raw at this point, so it felt fantastic. Really cooled me down.

So I'm applying it and as I go i realize it's starting to sting. Oh wait, more than sting, this crap burns. It's burning my arms. They're on freaking fire! My arms are on fire and they smell...minty.

This is when I look down to see my tube of 'get this muther humpin' itch off my muther humpin' pain' cream is sitting next to a tube of Aquafresh toothpaste (dual action).

By now I've realized that poison ivy + cavity fighting protection = the plague. This crap burns. So, after a day of trying to keep the poison ivy nice and dry i wash off the toothpaste to find that


Fortunately, my teeth haven't itched all day.

oh, nice picture leo.

Anonymous said...

hey its katherine....i'm sorry i havnt been commentin but i'm sooo busy and we just had a huge storm that knocked out the power! WE'RE TALKING NO TV! yes, yes i did have a heart attack
anyways...i just thought i would give you a flyers update...peter foresburg doesnt need the operation on his other foot which means he'll be able to start the season off! yessssss!
cya laterrr<3

Anonymous said...

i can't even begin to tell you how mortified i am right now... (not to overlook katherine's debut - yes, i too am very excited about the flyers update) but really? not only is my wonderful boyfriend who he is and somehow always manages to do something bizarre like put toothpaste on his arm instead of poison ivy cream, but he feels the need to tell the whole world of his ability to be more amazing with each passing day.

tom, i lie to people about you - alot - in order to help keep up the facade that i am an intelligent human being making good life decisions. but this honesty thing you've got going on that you think makes people laugh, yeah, it's not working for me.

leo, why didn't you tell me not to date this weirdo? i gave you that chance 3.5 years ago... thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hey baby, if you can't keep up with the awesome you'd better sit on the curb and hug your gatorade.

Anonymous said...

this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend....doh! thanks a lot beth!

leo - when am i going to get a shout-out?! i miss you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, This is your favorite aunt , I take offense to your comments made during your recent BLOG STORY. Just 'cause I didn't make a comment doesn't mean I didn't read ALL YOUR STUFF, YOU BRAT. We were discussing the cat dropping off the beam in the old mountain house this weekend, you must be still mad at me for laughing. Well I am reading all your stuff and you can be sure,I'll have a few comments from now on!!!!!!!!!
Signed ME

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.