Friday, July 07, 2006

One last note from Germany

A few of you mentioned it in yesterday's comments, but I just thought you all should know:

Even in Germany, with an ocean between me and the states, I still can't get away from Terrell Owens news.

Maybe they have some law against news reports on that dope in Afghanistan. That'd make the whole trip so much more relaxing....


Anonymous said...

Have a safe flight. Lit a candle this AM after Mass. Dad played with his chainsaw on a pole on Wednesday, but I watched him and he didn't get hurt. Much love, looking forward to your next posting on this site. Don't worry about calling, am enjoying the daily blog postings. Off to the mts tonight and back on Sun. Have to figure out how to get internet upstate!!

Capt. Awesome said...

I love the juxtaposition of Mom lighting a candle and Dad using the chainsaw on a pole. That's the best start of a new religion that I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

Internet upstate.

Buy 40 miles of wire. Connect at the turnpike?

Hey, I read the next post. Does the time in Germany count as time on your assignment? Or does the clock start when you touch down in the dustbowl?
Hey can you get me a dog:blanket while there?

Uncle Joe

Capt. Awesome said...

I'm on assignment now, so not only does waiting at the terminal count towards my vacation time, but the government has to pay for my meals too. But, alas, no OT for me.