Monday, March 06, 2006

For your safety

For those of you keeping score at home, here’s where our homeland security sits:

Places I can take my pocketknife (security saw it and said “who cares?”)
-- The White House, D.C.
-- The Pentagon, Va.
-- The United Nations headquarters, N.Y.
-- The Supreme Court, D.C. (New addition this week!)

Places I can’t (security deemed it a threat and refused entry)
-- Montgomery County Courthouse, Pa.
-- Columbus City Courthouse, Ohio
-- Baltimore/Washington International Airport, Md.
-- U.S. District Court Columbus, Ohio

Remember, even if it's safe enough for the military, that doesn't mean that it's safe enough for Montgomery County's passport office.


Anonymous said...

We all know that the really important decisions are made in the Montgomery County courthouse. I, for one, am glad they managed to disarm you before you could have single-handedly destroyed the parking authority.


Anonymous said...

At least the UN warns you they don't care about your safety. That's why they put those big signs outside the bathrooms: "The UN is not responsible for your personal belongings."